Chlorine vs Salt: Which System Makes Sense For You?

chlorine vs salt

There are a number of factors to consider when deciding if you’re going to go with chlorine or salt water to ensure your pool stays the clean, germ-free playground it’s meant to be. Cost? Of course. Maintenance? Sure. Effects on your new ‘do from the salon? Umm, naturally.

“If people dye their hair,” says Dawn Elser, Paces Pool Service’s Service Manager, “they definitely would prefer a salt pool over a chlorine pool because chlorine can turn your hair green; salt does not. That’s kind of a big deal for people when they’re putting pools in their backyards.”

But salt water pools have benefits that reach other parts of the body, too. Because of its molecular make-up, salt water is gentler on your skin and eyes. The water almost feels soft to the touch. On the other hand, an improperly balanced chlorine pool can make skin feel harsh and itchy.

Additionally, being in the traditional Georgia heat, “salt works well,” adds Elser. “The sun doesn't take the salt out of the water as quickly—if your chemistry is balanced. The salt holds the chemical balance longer than chlorine does. Chlorine can bounce up and down a lot more. Salt’s more consistent in its ability to sanitize the pool. Salt is more stable.”

Of course, that’s not to say a standard chlorine pool can’t work for you. Beyond the fact that they’re a more economical approach (especially from an initial-investment standpoint), chlorine-powered pools don’t present as much potential harm to equipment as salt water does.

“It’s not as corrosive as salt,” says Elser. “That's one of the big advantages [of having a chlorine pool]. If you have a salt system and you have your heater, the filter and pumps, they are much more affected by salt than they are chlorine.”

But wait? Didn’t we just say it’s better for your skin and hair? “It’s so weird,” clarifies Elser. “When you say it's gentler on your skin, you think, Well, there must be something really special about salt. Yes, there is something special about it—it’s very corrosive on metals.”

Dyed hair or not, you’ll want to use your head when making the best decision for your home. If you have a chlorine pool and want to convert it to salt, Paces Pool Service is here to help you.

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